Source code for xbitinfo.xbitinfo

import json
import logging
import os

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from dask import array as da

    from julia.api import Julia

    julia_installed = True
except ImportError:
    julia_installed = False
from import tqdm

from . import __version__
from . import _py_bitinfo as pb
from .julia_helpers import install

already_ran = False
if not already_ran and julia_installed:
    already_ran = install(quiet=True)
    jl = Julia(compiled_modules=False, debug=False)
    from julia import Main  # noqa: E402

    path_to_julia_functions = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), "bitinformation_wrapper.jl"
    Main.path = path_to_julia_functions

def bit_partitioning(dtype):
    if dtype.kind == "f":
        n_bits = np.finfo(dtype).bits
        n_sign = 1
        n_exponent = np.finfo(dtype).nexp
        n_mantissa = np.finfo(dtype).nmant
    elif dtype.kind == "i":
        n_bits = np.iinfo(dtype).bits
        n_sign = 1
        n_exponent = 0
        n_mantissa = n_bits - n_sign
    elif dtype.kind == "u":
        n_bits = np.iinfo(dtype).bits
        n_sign = 0
        n_exponent = 0
        n_mantissa = n_bits - n_sign
        raise ValueError(f"dtype {dtype} neither known nor implemented.")
    assert (
        n_sign + n_exponent + n_mantissa == n_bits
    ), "The components of the datatype could not be safely inferred."
    return n_bits, n_sign, n_exponent, n_mantissa

def get_bit_coords(dtype):
    """Get coordinates for bits based on dtype."""
    n_bits, n_sign, n_exponent, n_mantissa = bit_partitioning(dtype)
    coords = (
        n_sign * ["±"]
        + [f"e{int(i)}" for i in range(1, n_exponent + 1)]
        + [f"m{int(i)}" for i in range(1, n_mantissa + 1)]
    return coords

def dict_to_dataset(info_per_bit):
    """Convert keepbits dictionary to :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`."""
    dsb = xr.Dataset()
    for v in info_per_bit.keys():
        dtype = np.dtype(info_per_bit[v]["dtype"])
        dim = info_per_bit[v]["dim"]
        dim_name = f"bit{dtype}"
        dsb[v] = xr.DataArray(
            coords={dim_name: get_bit_coords(dtype), "dim": dim},
                "long_name": f"{v} bitwise information",
                "units": 1,
    # add metadata
    dsb.attrs = {
        "xbitinfo_description": "bitinformation calculated by xbitinfo.get_bitinformation wrapping bitinformation.jl",
        "python_repository": "",
        "julia_repository": "",
        "reference_paper": "",
        "xbitinfo_version": __version__,
        "BitInformation.jl_version": get_julia_package_version("BitInformation"),
    for c in dsb.coords:
        if "bit" in c:
            dsb.coords[c].attrs = {
                "description": "name of the bits: '±' refers to the sign bit, 'e' to the exponents bits and 'm' to the mantissa bits."
    dsb.coords["dim"].attrs = {
        "description": "dimension of the source dataset along which the bitwise information has been analysed."
    return dsb

[docs] def get_bitinformation( # noqa: C901 ds, dim=None, axis=None, label=None, overwrite=False, implementation="julia", **kwargs, ): """Wrap `BitInformation.jl.bitinformation() <>`__. Parameters ---------- ds : :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` Input dataset to analyse dim : str Dimension over which to apply mean. Only one of the ``dim`` and ``axis`` arguments can be supplied. If no ``dim`` or ``axis`` is given (default), the bitinformation is retrieved along all dimensions. axis : int Axis over which to apply mean. Only one of the ``dim`` and ``axis`` arguments can be supplied. If no ``dim`` or ``axis`` is given (default), the bitinformation is retrieved along all dimensions. label : str Label of the json to serialize bitinfo. When string, serialize results to disk into file ``{{label}}.json`` to be reused later. Defaults to ``None``. overwrite : bool If ``False``, try using serialized bitinfo based on label; if true or label does not exist, run bitinformation implementation : str Bitinformation algorithm implementation. Valid options are - julia, the original implementation of julia in julia by Milan Kloewer - python, a copy of the core functionality of julia in python kwargs to be passed to bitinformation: - masked_value: defaults to ``NaN`` (different to ``julia`` defaulting to ``"nothing"``), set ``None`` disable masking - mask: use ``masked_value`` instead - set_zero_insignificant (``bool``): defaults to ``True`` (julia implementation) or ``False`` (python implementation) - confidence (``float``): defaults to ``0.99`` Returns ------- info_per_bit : :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` Information content per ``bit`` and ``variable`` (and ``dim``) Example ------- >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("air_temperature") >>> xb.get_bitinformation(ds, dim="lon") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <xarray.Dataset> Size: 1kB Dimensions: (bitfloat64: 64) Coordinates: * bitfloat64 (bitfloat64) <U3 768B '±' 'e1' 'e2' 'e3' ... 'm50' 'm51' 'm52' dim <U3 12B 'lon' Data variables: air (bitfloat64) float64 512B 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.002847 0.0 0.0005092 Attributes: xbitinfo_description: bitinformation calculated by xbitinfo.get_bit... python_repository: julia_repository: reference_paper: xbitinfo_version: ... BitInformation.jl_version: ... >>> xb.get_bitinformation(ds) <xarray.Dataset> Size: 2kB Dimensions: (bitfloat64: 64, dim: 3) Coordinates: * bitfloat64 (bitfloat64) <U3 768B '±' 'e1' 'e2' 'e3' ... 'm50' 'm51' 'm52' * dim (dim) <U4 48B 'lat' 'lon' 'time' Data variables: air (dim, bitfloat64) float64 2kB 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0004498 Attributes: xbitinfo_description: bitinformation calculated by xbitinfo.get_bit... python_repository: julia_repository: reference_paper: xbitinfo_version: ... BitInformation.jl_version: ... """ if implementation == "julia" and not julia_installed: raise ImportError('Please install julia or use implementation="python".') if dim is None and axis is None: # gather bitinformation on all axis return _get_bitinformation_along_dims( ds, dim=dim, label=label, overwrite=overwrite, implementation=implementation, **kwargs, ) if isinstance(dim, list) and axis is None: # gather bitinformation on dims specified return _get_bitinformation_along_dims( ds, dim=dim, label=label, overwrite=overwrite, implementation=implementation, **kwargs, ) else: # gather bitinformation along one axis if overwrite is False and label is not None: try: info_per_bit = load_bitinformation(label) return info_per_bit except FileNotFoundError: f"No bitinformation could be found for {label}. Recalculating..." ) # check keywords if axis is not None and dim is not None: raise ValueError("Please provide either `axis` or `dim` but not both.") if axis: if not isinstance(axis, int): raise ValueError(f"Please provide `axis` as `int`, found {type(axis)}.") if dim: if not isinstance(dim, str): raise ValueError(f"Please provide `dim` as `str`, found {type(dim)}.") if "mask" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "`xbitinfo` does not wrap the mask argument. Mask your xr.Dataset with NaNs instead." ) info_per_bit = {} pbar = tqdm(ds.data_vars) for var in pbar: pbar.set_description(f"Processing var: {var} for dim: {dim}") if implementation == "julia": info_per_bit_var = _jl_get_bitinformation(ds, var, axis, dim, kwargs) if info_per_bit_var is None: continue else: info_per_bit[var] = info_per_bit_var elif implementation == "python": info_per_bit_var = _py_get_bitinformation(ds, var, axis, dim, kwargs) if info_per_bit_var is None: continue else: info_per_bit[var] = info_per_bit_var else: raise ValueError( f"Implementation of bitinformation algorithm {implementation} is unknown. Please choose a different one." ) if label is not None: with open(label + ".json", "w") as f: logging.debug(f"Save bitinformation to {label + '.json'}") json.dump(info_per_bit, f, cls=JsonCustomEncoder) info_per_bit = dict_to_dataset(info_per_bit) for var in info_per_bit.data_vars: # keep attrs from input with source_ prefix for a in ds[var].attrs.keys(): info_per_bit[var].attrs["source_" + a] = ds[var].attrs[a] return info_per_bit
def _jl_get_bitinformation(ds, var, axis, dim, kwargs={}): X = ds[var].values Main.X = X if axis is not None: # in julia convention axis + 1 axis_jl = axis + 1 dim = ds[var].dims[axis] if isinstance(dim, str): try: # in julia convention axis + 1 axis_jl = ds[var].get_axis_num(dim) + 1 except ValueError:"Variable {var} does not have dimension {dim}. Skipping.") return assert isinstance(axis_jl, int) Main.dim = axis_jl kwargs_str = _get_bitinformation_kwargs_handler(ds[var], kwargs) logging.debug(f"get_bitinformation(X, dim={dim}, {kwargs_str})") info_per_bit = {} info_per_bit["bitinfo"] = jl.eval( f"get_bitinformation(X, dim={axis_jl}, {kwargs_str})" ) info_per_bit["dim"] = dim info_per_bit["axis"] = axis_jl - 1 info_per_bit["dtype"] = str(ds[var].dtype) return info_per_bit def _py_get_bitinformation(ds, var, axis, dim, kwargs={}): if "set_zero_insignificant" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["set_zero_insignificant"]: raise NotImplementedError( "set_zero_insignificant is not implemented in the python implementation" ) else: assert ( kwargs == {} ), "This implementation only supports the plain bitinfo implementation" itemsize = ds[var].dtype.itemsize astype = f"u{itemsize}" X = da.array(ds[var]) # signed exponent conversion only for floats if X.dtype in (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64): X = pb.signed_exponent(X) X = X.astype(astype) if axis is not None: dim = ds[var].dims[axis] if isinstance(dim, str): try: axis = ds[var].get_axis_num(dim) except ValueError:"Variable {var} does not have dimension {dim}. Skipping.") return info_per_bit = {}"Calling python implementation now") info_per_bit["bitinfo"] = pb.bitinformation(X, axis=axis).compute() info_per_bit["dim"] = dim info_per_bit["axis"] = axis info_per_bit["dtype"] = str(ds[var].dtype) return info_per_bit def _get_bitinformation_along_dims( ds, dim=None, label=None, overwrite=False, implementation="julia", **kwargs, ): """Helper function for :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation` to handle multi-dimensional analysis for each dim specified. Simple wrapper around :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation`, which calls :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation` for each dimension found in the provided :py:func:`xarray.Dataset`. The retrieved bitinformation is gathered in a joint :py:func:`xarray.Dataset` and is returned. """ info_per_bit_per_dim = {} if dim is None: dim = ds.dims for d in dim:"Get bitinformation along dimension {d}") if label is not None: label = "_".join([label, d]) info_per_bit_per_dim[d] = get_bitinformation( ds, dim=d, axis=None, label=label, overwrite=overwrite, implementation=implementation, **kwargs, ).expand_dims("dim", axis=0) info_per_bit = xr.merge(info_per_bit_per_dim.values()).squeeze() return info_per_bit def _get_bitinformation_kwargs_handler(da, kwargs): """Helper function to preprocess kwargs args of :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation`.""" kwargs_var = kwargs.copy() if "masked_value" not in kwargs_var: kwargs_var["masked_value"] = f"convert({str(da.dtype).capitalize()},NaN)" elif kwargs_var["masked_value"] is None: kwargs_var["masked_value"] = "nothing" if "set_zero_insignificant" not in kwargs_var: kwargs_var["set_zero_insignificant"] = True kwargs_str = ", ".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in kwargs_var.items()]) # convert python to julia bool kwargs_str = kwargs_str.replace("True", "true").replace("False", "false") return kwargs_str def load_bitinformation(label): """Load bitinformation from JSON file""" label_file = label + ".json" if os.path.exists(label_file): with open(label_file) as f: logging.debug(f"Load bitinformation from {label+'.json'}") info_per_bit = json.load(f) return dict_to_dataset(info_per_bit) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No bitinformation could be found at {label+'.json'}") def get_cdf_without_artificial_information( info_per_bit, bitdim, threshold, tolerance, bit_vars ): """ Calculate a Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) with artificial information removal. This function calculates a modified CDF for a given set of bit information and variable dimensions, removing artificial information while preserving the desired threshold of information content. 1.)The function's aim is to return the cdf in a way that artificial information gets removed. 2.)This function calculates the CDF using the provided information content per bit dataset. 3.)It then computes the gradient of the CDF values to identify points where the gradient becomes close to the given tolerance, indicating a drop in information. 4.)Simultaneously, it keeps track of the minimum cumulative sum of information content which is threshold here, which signifies atleast this much fraction of total information needs to be passed. 5.)So the bit where the intersection of the gradient reaching the tolerance and the cumulative sum exceeding the threshold. All bits beyond this index are assumed to contain artificial information and are set to zero in the resulting CDF. Parameters: ----------- info_per_bit : :py:class: 'xarray.Dataset' Information content of each bit. This is the output from :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation`. bitdim : str The dimension representing the bit information. threshold : float Minimum cumulative sum of information content before artificial information filter is applied. tolerance : float The tolerance is the value below which gradient starts becoming constant bit_vars : list List of variable names of the dataset. Returns: -------- xarray.Dataset A modified CDF dataset with artificial information removed. Example: -------- >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("air_temperature") >>> info = xb.get_bitinformation(ds) >>> get_keepbits( ... info, ... inflevel=[0.99], ... information_filter="Gradient", ... **{"threshold": 0.7, "tolerance": 0.001} ... ) <xarray.Dataset> Size: 80B Dimensions: (dim: 3, inflevel: 1) Coordinates: * dim (dim) <U4 48B 'lat' 'lon' 'time' * inflevel (inflevel) float64 8B 0.99 Data variables: air (dim, inflevel) int64 24B 5 6 6 """ # Extract coordinates from the 'info_per_bit' dataset. coordinates = info_per_bit.coords # Extract the 'dim' values from the coordinates and store them in 'coordinates_array'. coordinates_array = coordinates["dim"].values # Initialize a flag to identify if 'coordinates_array' is a scalar value. flag_scalar_value = False # Check if 'coordinates_array' is a scalar (has zero dimensions). if coordinates_array.ndim == 0: # If it's a scalar, extract the scalar value and set the flag to True. value = coordinates_array.item() flag_scalar_value = True # Convert the scalar value into a 1D numpy array so that we can iterate over it for determining dimensions. coordinates_array = np.array([value]) cdf = _cdf_from_info_per_bit(info_per_bit, bitdim) for var_name in bit_vars: for dimension in coordinates_array: if flag_scalar_value: # If it's a scalar, extract the information array directly. infoArray = info_per_bit[var_name] else: # If it's not a scalar, select the information array using the specified dimension. infoArray = info_per_bit[var_name].sel(dim=dimension) # total sum of information along a dimension infSum = sum(infoArray).item() data_type = np.dtype(bitdim.replace("bit", "")) _, n_sign, n_exponent, _ = bit_partitioning(data_type) sign_and_exponent = n_sign + n_exponent # sum of sign and exponent bits SignExpSum = sum(infoArray[:sign_and_exponent]).item() if flag_scalar_value: cdf_array = cdf[var_name] else: cdf_array = cdf[var_name].sel(dim=dimension) gradient_array = np.diff(cdf_array.values) # Initialize 'CurrentBit_Sum' with the value of 'SignExpSum'. CurrentBit_Sum = SignExpSum for i in range(sign_and_exponent, len(gradient_array) - 1): # Update 'CurrentBit_Sum' by adding the information content of the current bit. CurrentBit_Sum = CurrentBit_Sum + infoArray[i].item() if ( gradient_array[i] ) < tolerance and CurrentBit_Sum >= threshold * infSum: infbits = i break for i in range(0, infbits + 1): # Normalize CDF values for elements up to 'infbits'. cdf_array[i] = cdf_array[i] / cdf_array[infbits] cdf_array[(infbits + 1) :] = 1 return cdf
[docs] def get_keepbits(info_per_bit, inflevel=0.99, information_filter=None, **kwargs): """Get the number of mantissa bits to keep. To be used in :py:func:`xbitinfo.bitround.xr_bitround` and :py:func:`xbitinfo.bitround.jl_bitround`. Parameters ---------- info_per_bit : :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` Information content of each bit. This is the output from :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation`. inflevel : float or list Level of information that shall be preserved. Kwargs threshold(` `float ``) : defaults to ``0.7`` Minimum cumulative sum of information content before artificial information filter is applied. tolerance(` `float ``) : defaults to ``0.001`` The tolerance is the value below which gradient starts becoming constant Returns ------- keepbits : dict Number of mantissa bits to keep per variable Example ------- >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("air_temperature") >>> info_per_bit = xb.get_bitinformation(ds, dim="lon") >>> xb.get_keepbits(info_per_bit) <xarray.Dataset> Size: 28B Dimensions: (inflevel: 1) Coordinates: dim <U3 12B 'lon' * inflevel (inflevel) float64 8B 0.99 Data variables: air (inflevel) int64 8B 6 >>> xb.get_keepbits(info_per_bit, inflevel=0.99999999) <xarray.Dataset> Size: 28B Dimensions: (inflevel: 1) Coordinates: dim <U3 12B 'lon' * inflevel (inflevel) float64 8B 1.0 Data variables: air (inflevel) int64 8B 7 >>> xb.get_keepbits(info_per_bit, inflevel=1.0) <xarray.Dataset> Size: 28B Dimensions: (inflevel: 1) Coordinates: dim <U3 12B 'lon' * inflevel (inflevel) float64 8B 1.0 Data variables: air (inflevel) int64 8B 52 >>> info_per_bit = xb.get_bitinformation(ds) >>> xb.get_keepbits(info_per_bit) <xarray.Dataset> Size: 80B Dimensions: (dim: 3, inflevel: 1) Coordinates: * dim (dim) <U4 48B 'lat' 'lon' 'time' * inflevel (inflevel) float64 8B 0.99 Data variables: air (dim, inflevel) int64 24B 5 6 6 """ if not isinstance(inflevel, list): inflevel = [inflevel] keepmantissabits = [] inflevel = xr.DataArray(inflevel, dims="inflevel", coords={"inflevel": inflevel}) if (inflevel < 0).any() or (inflevel > 1.0).any(): raise ValueError("Please provide `inflevel` from interval [0.,1.]") for bitdim in [ "bitfloat16", "bitfloat32", "bitfloat64", "bitint16", "bitint32", "bitint64", "bituint16", "bituint32", "bituint64", ]: # get only variables of bitdim bit_vars = [v for v in info_per_bit.data_vars if bitdim in info_per_bit[v].dims] if bit_vars != []: if information_filter == "Gradient": cdf = get_cdf_without_artificial_information( info_per_bit[bit_vars], bitdim, kwargs["threshold"], kwargs["tolerance"], bit_vars, ) else: cdf = _cdf_from_info_per_bit(info_per_bit[bit_vars], bitdim) data_type = np.dtype(bitdim.replace("bit", "")) n_bits, _, _, n_mant = bit_partitioning(data_type) bitdim_non_mantissa_bits = n_bits - n_mant keepmantissabits_bitdim = ( (cdf > inflevel).argmax(bitdim) + 1 - bitdim_non_mantissa_bits ) # keep all mantissa bits for 100% information if 1.0 in inflevel: bitdim_all_mantissa_bits = n_bits - bitdim_non_mantissa_bits keepall = xr.ones_like(keepmantissabits_bitdim.sel(inflevel=1.0)) * ( bitdim_all_mantissa_bits ) keepmantissabits_bitdim = xr.concat( [keepmantissabits_bitdim.drop_sel(inflevel=1.0), keepall], "inflevel", ) keepmantissabits.append(keepmantissabits_bitdim) keepmantissabits = xr.merge(keepmantissabits) if inflevel.inflevel.size > 1: # restore original ordering keepmantissabits = keepmantissabits.sel(inflevel=inflevel.inflevel) return keepmantissabits
def _cdf_from_info_per_bit(info_per_bit, bitdim): """Convert info_per_bit to cumulative distribution function on dimension bitdim.""" # set below rounding error from last digit to zero info_per_bit_cleaned = info_per_bit.where( info_per_bit > info_per_bit.isel({bitdim: slice(-4, None)}).max(bitdim) * 1.5 ) # make cumulative distribution function cdf = info_per_bit_cleaned.cumsum(bitdim) / info_per_bit_cleaned.cumsum( bitdim ).isel({bitdim: -1}) return cdf def _jl_bitround(X, keepbits): """Wrap `BitInformation.jl.round <>`__. Used in :py:func:`xbitinfo.bitround.jl_bitround`.""" if not julia_installed: raise ImportError("Please install julia or use xr_bitround") Main.X = X Main.keepbits = keepbits return jl.eval("round!(X, keepbits)")
[docs] def get_prefect_flow(paths=[]): """ Create `prefect.Flow <>`__ for paths to be: 1. Analyse bitwise real information content with :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation` 2. Retrieve keepbits with :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_keepbits` 3. Apply bitrounding with :py:func:`xbitinfo.bitround.xr_bitround` 4. Save as compressed netcdf with :py:class:`xbitinfo.save_compressed.ToCompressed_Netcdf` Many parameters can be changed when running the flow ``"auto"))``: - paths: list of paths Paths to be bitrounded - analyse_paths: str or int Which paths to be passed to :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation`. Choose from ``["first_last", "all", int]``, where int is interpreted as stride, i.e. paths[::stride]. Defaults to ``"first"``. - enforce_dtype : str or None Enforce dtype for all variables. Currently, :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation` fails for different dtypes in variables. Do nothing if ``None``. Defaults to ``None``. - label : see :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation` - dim/axis : see :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation` - inflevel : see :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_keepbits` - non_negative_keepbits : bool Set negative keepbits from :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_keepbits` to ``0``. Required when using :py:func:`xbitinfo.bitround.xr_bitround`. Defaults to True. - chunks : see :py:meth:`xarray.open_mfdataset`. Note that with ``chunks=None``, ``dask`` is not used for I/O and the flow is still parallelized when using ``DaskExecutor``. - bitround_in_julia : bool Use :py:func:`xbitinfo.bitround.jl_bitround` instead of :py:func:`xbitinfo.bitround.xr_bitround`. Both should yield identical results. Defaults to ``False``. - overwrite : bool Whether to overwrite bitrounded netcdf files. ``False`` (default) skips existing files. - complevel : see to_compressed_netcdf, defaults to ``7``. - rename : list Replace mapping for paths towards new_path of bitrounded file, i.e. ``replace=[".nc", ""]`` Parameters ------ paths : list List of paths of files to be processed by :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation`, :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_keepbits`, :py:func:`xbitinfo.bitround.xr_bitround` and ``to_compressed_netcdf``. Returns ------- prefect.Flow See Example ------- Imagine n files of identical structure, i.e. 1-year per file climate model output: >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("rasm") >>> year, datasets = zip(*ds.groupby("time.year")) >>> paths = [f"{y}.nc" for y in year] >>> xr.save_mfdataset(datasets, paths) Create prefect.Flow and run sequentially >>> flow = xb.get_prefect_flow(paths=paths) >>> import prefect >>> logger = prefect.context.get("logger") >>> logger.setLevel("ERROR") >>> st = Inspect flow state >>> # flow.visualize(st) # requires graphviz Run in parallel with dask: >>> import os # >>> os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = "FALSE" >>> from prefect.executors import DaskExecutor, LocalDaskExecutor >>> from dask.distributed import Client >>> client = Client(n_workers=2, threads_per_worker=1, processes=True) >>> executor = DaskExecutor( ... address=client.scheduler.address ... ) # take your own client >>> executor = DaskExecutor() # use dask from prefect >>> executor = LocalDaskExecutor() # use dask local from prefect >>> #, parameters=dict(overwrite=True)) Modify parameters of a flow: >>>, overwrite=True)) <Success: "All reference tasks succeeded."> See also -------- - - """ from prefect import Flow, Parameter, task, unmapped from prefect.engine.signals import SKIP from .bitround import jl_bitround, xr_bitround @task def get_bitinformation_keepbits( paths, analyse_paths="first", label=None, inflevel=0.99, enforce_dtype=None, non_negative_keepbits=True, **get_bitinformation_kwargs, ): # take subset only for analysis in bitinformation if analyse_paths == "first_last": p = [paths[0], paths[-1]] elif analyse_paths == "all": p = paths elif analyse_paths == "first": p = paths[0] elif isinstance(analyse_paths, int): # interpret as stride p = paths[::analyse_paths] else: raise ValueError( "Please provide analyse_paths as int interpreted as stride or from ['first_last','all','first','last']." ) ds = xr.open_mfdataset(p) if enforce_dtype: ds = ds.astype(enforce_dtype) info_per_bit = get_bitinformation(ds, label=label, **get_bitinformation_kwargs) keepbits = get_keepbits(info_per_bit, inflevel=inflevel) if non_negative_keepbits: keepbits = {v: max(0, k) for v, k in keepbits.items()} # ensure no negative return keepbits @task def bitround_and_save( path, keepbits, chunks=None, complevel=4, rename=[".nc", ""], overwrite=False, enforce_dtype=None, bitround_in_julia=False, ): new_path = path.replace(rename[0], rename[1]) if not overwrite: if os.path.exists(new_path): try: ds_new = xr.open_dataset(new_path, chunks=chunks) ds = xr.open_dataset(path, chunks=chunks) if ( ds.nbytes == ds_new.nbytes ): # bitrounded and original have same number of bytes in memory raise SKIP(f"{new_path} already exists.") except Exception as e: print( f"{type(e)} when xr.open_dataset({new_path}), therefore delete and recalculate." ) os.remove(new_path) ds = xr.open_dataset(path, chunks=chunks) if enforce_dtype: ds = ds.astype(enforce_dtype) bitround_func = jl_bitround if bitround_in_julia else xr_bitround ds_bitround = bitround_func(ds, keepbits) ds_bitround.to_compressed_netcdf(new_path, complevel=complevel) return with Flow("xbitinfo_pipeline") as flow: if paths == []: raise ValueError("Please provide paths of files to bitround, found [].") paths = Parameter("paths", default=paths) analyse_paths = Parameter("analyse_paths", default="first") dim = Parameter("dim", default=None) axis = Parameter("axis", default=0) inflevel = Parameter("inflevel", default=0.99) label = Parameter("label", default=None) rename = Parameter("rename", default=[".nc", ""]) overwrite = Parameter("overwrite", default=False) bitround_in_julia = Parameter("bitround_in_julia", default=False) complevel = Parameter("complevel", default=7) chunks = Parameter("chunks", default=None) enforce_dtype = Parameter("enforce_dtype", default=None) non_negative_keepbits = Parameter("non_negative_keepbits", default=True) keepbits = get_bitinformation_keepbits( paths, analyse_paths=analyse_paths, dim=dim, axis=axis, inflevel=inflevel, label=label, enforce_dtype=enforce_dtype, non_negative_keepbits=non_negative_keepbits, ) # once paths, keepbits=unmapped(keepbits), rename=unmapped(rename), chunks=unmapped(chunks), complevel=unmapped(complevel), overwrite=unmapped(overwrite), enforce_dtype=unmapped(enforce_dtype), bitround_in_julia=unmapped(bitround_in_julia), ) # parallel map return flow
class JsonCustomEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (np.ndarray, np.number)): return obj.tolist() elif isinstance(obj, (complex, np.complex)): return [obj.real, obj.imag] elif isinstance(obj, set): return list(obj) elif isinstance(obj, bytes): # pragma: py3 return obj.decode() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def get_julia_package_version(package): """Get version information of julia package""" if julia_installed: version = jl.eval( f'Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(pkgdir({package}), "Project.toml"))["version"]' ) else: version = "implementation='python'" return version