Source code for xbitinfo.save_compressed

import logging

import numcodecs
import xarray as xr

[docs]def get_chunksizes(da, for_cdo=False, time_dim="time", chunks=None): """Get chunksizes for :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` for ``to_netcdf(encoding)`` from original file. If ``for_cdo=True``, ensure ``time_dim`` ``chunksize`` of 1 when compressed.""" assert isinstance(da, xr.DataArray) if chunks: # use new chunksizes return da.chunk(chunks).data.chunksize if for_cdo: # take shape as chunksize and ensure time chunksize 1 if time_dim in da.dims: time_axis_num = da.get_axis_num(time_dim) chunksize = if da.chunks is not None else da.shape # chunksize = list(chunksize) chunksize[time_axis_num] = 1 chunksize = tuple(chunksize) return chunksize else: return get_chunksizes(da, for_cdo=False, time_dim=time_dim) else: return if da.chunks is not None else da.shape
[docs]def get_compress_encoding_nc( ds_bitrounded, compression="zlib", shuffle=True, complevel=9, for_cdo=False, time_dim="time", chunks=None, ): """Generate encoding for :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf`. Example ------- >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("rasm") >>> get_compress_encoding_nc(ds) {'Tair': {'zlib': True, 'shuffle': True, 'complevel': 9, 'chunksizes': (36, 205, 275)}} >>> get_compress_encoding_nc(ds, for_cdo=True) {'Tair': {'zlib': True, 'shuffle': True, 'complevel': 9, 'chunksizes': (1, 205, 275)}} See also -------- :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf` """ return { v: { compression: True, "shuffle": shuffle, "complevel": complevel, "chunksizes": get_chunksizes( ds_bitrounded[v], for_cdo=for_cdo, time_dim=time_dim, chunks=chunks ), } for v in ds_bitrounded.data_vars }
[docs]@xr.register_dataset_accessor("to_compressed_netcdf") class ToCompressed_Netcdf: """Save to compressed ``netcdf`` wrapping :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf` with :py:func:`xbitinfo.save_compressed.get_compress_encoding_nc`. Parameters ---------- path : str, path-like or file-like Path to which to save this dataset compression : str Compression library used for encoding. Defaults to ``"zlib"``. shuffle : bool Netcdf shuffle used for encoding. Defaults to ``True``. complevel : int Compression level used for encoding. Ranges from 2 (little compression, fast) to 9 (strong compression, slow). Defaults to ``7``. for_cdo : bool If you want to continue working with ``cdo``. If ``True``, sets time chunksize to 1, context Defaults to ``False``. time_dim : str Name of the time dimension. Defaults to ``"time"``. chunks : str, dict How should the data be chunked on disk. None keeps defaults. ``"auto"`` uses ``dask.chunk("auto")``, dict individual chunking. Defaults to ``None``. kwargs : dict Kwargs to be passed to :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf` Example ------- >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("rasm") >>> path = "" >>> ds.to_compressed_netcdf(path) >>> ds.to_compressed_netcdf(path, complevel=4) >>> ds.to_compressed_netcdf(path, for_cdo=True) See also -------- :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf` """
[docs] def __init__(self, xarray_obj): self._obj = xarray_obj
def __call__( self, path, compression="zlib", shuffle=True, complevel=9, for_cdo=False, time_dim="time", chunks=None, **kwargs, ): self._obj.to_netcdf( path, encoding=get_compress_encoding_nc( self._obj, compression=compression, shuffle=shuffle, complevel=complevel, for_cdo=for_cdo, time_dim=time_dim, chunks=chunks, ), **kwargs, )
[docs]def get_compress_encoding_zarr( ds_bitrounded, compressor=numcodecs.Blosc("zstd", shuffle=numcodecs.Blosc.BITSHUFFLE), ): """Generate encoding for :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_zarr`. Example ------- >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("rasm") >>> get_compress_encoding_zarr(ds) {'Tair': {'compressor': Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=5, shuffle=BITSHUFFLE, blocksize=0)}} See also -------- :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_zarr` """ encoding = {} if isinstance(compressor, dict): for v in ds_bitrounded.data_vars: if v in compressor.keys(): encoding[v] = {"compressor": compressor[v]} else: logging.warning( f"No compressor given for variable {v}. Using default compressor" ) encoding[v] = { "compressor": numcodecs.Blosc( "zstd", shuffle=numcodecs.Blosc.BITSHUFFLE ) } else: for v in ds_bitrounded.data_vars: encoding[v] = {"compressor": compressor} return encoding
[docs]@xr.register_dataset_accessor("to_compressed_zarr") class ToCompressed_Zarr: """Save to compressed ``zarr`` wrapping :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_zarr` with :py:func:`xbitinfo.save_compressed.get_compress_encoding_zarr`. Parameters ---------- path : str, path-like or file-like Output location of compressed dataset compressor : numcodecs Compressor used for encoding. Defaults to zstd with bit-shuffling. kwargs : dict Arguments to be passed to :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_zarr` Example ------- >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("rasm") >>> path = "compressed_rasm.zarr" >>> ds.to_compressed_zarr(path, mode="w") >>> ds.to_compressed_zarr(path, compressor=numcodecs.Blosc("zlib"), mode="w") >>> ds.to_compressed_zarr( ... path, compressor={"Tair": numcodecs.Blosc("zstd")}, mode="w" ... ) See also -------- :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_zarr` """
[docs] def __init__(self, xarray_obj): self._obj = xarray_obj
def __call__( self, path, compressor=numcodecs.Blosc("zstd", shuffle=numcodecs.Blosc.BITSHUFFLE), **kwargs, ): self._obj.to_zarr( path, encoding=get_compress_encoding_zarr( self._obj, compressor=compressor, ), **kwargs, )