Source code for

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from .xbitinfo import NMBITS, get_keepbits

[docs]def add_bitinfo_labels( da, info_per_bit, inflevels, ax=None, x_dim_name="lon", y_dim_name="lat", lon_coord_name="guess", lat_coord_name="guess", label_latitude="center", label_latitude_offset=8, **kwargs, ): """ Helper function for visualization of Figure 3 in Klöwer et al. 2021. Adds latitudinal lines and labels with keepbits and information content for each slice. Klöwer, M., Razinger, M., Dominguez, J. J., Düben, P. D., & Palmer, T. N. (2021). Compressing atmospheric data into its real information content. Nature Computational Science, 1(11), 713–724. doi: 10/gnm4jj Parameters ---------- da : :py:func:`xarray.DataArray` Plotted data info_per_bit : dict Information content of each bit for each variable in ``da``. This is the output from :py:func:`xbitinfo.xbitinfo.get_bitinformation`. inflevels : list of floats Level of information that shall be preserved. ax : plt.Axes or None Axes. If ``None``, get current axis. x_dim_name : str Name of the x dimension. Defaults to ``"lon"``. y_dim_name : str Name of the y dimension. Defaults to ``"lat"``. lon_coord_name : str Name of the longitude coordinate. Only matters when plotting with multi-dimensional coordinates (i.e. curvilinear grids) with ``cartopy`` (when ``transform=ccrs.Geodetic()`` must be also set via ``kwargs``). Defaults to ``x_dim_name``. lat_coord_name : str Name of the latitude coordinate. Only matters when plotting with multi-dimensional coordinates (i.e. curvilinear grids) with ``cartopy`` (when ``transform=ccrs.Geodetic()`` must be also set via ``kwargs``). Defaults to ``y_dim_name``. label_latitude : float or str Latitude for the label. Defaults to ``"center"``, which uses the mean ``lat_coord_name``. label_latitude_offset : float Distance between ``keepbits = int`` and ``x%`` label. Defaults to ``8``. kwargs : dict Kwargs to be passed to ``ax.text`` and ``ax.plot``. Use ``transform=ccrs.Geodetic()`` when using ``cartopy`` Returns ------- Example ------- Plotting a single-dimension coordinate dataset: >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("air_temperature") >>> info_per_bit = xb.get_bitinformation(ds, dim="lon") >>> inflevels = [1.0, 0.9999, 0.99, 0.975, 0.95] >>> ds_bitrounded_along_lon = xb.bitround.bitround_along_dim( ... ds, info_per_bit, dim="lon", inflevels=inflevels ... ) >>> diff = (ds - ds_bitrounded_along_lon)["air"].isel(time=0) >>> diff.plot() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at ...> >>> add_bitinfo_labels(diff, info_per_bit, inflevels) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Plotting a multi-dimensional coordinate dataset >>> v = "Tair" >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("rasm") >>> dim = "y" >>> info_per_bit = xb.get_bitinformation(ds, dim=dim) >>> ds_bitrounded_along_lon = xb.bitround.bitround_along_dim( ... ds, info_per_bit, dim=dim, inflevels=inflevels ... ) >>> import as ccrs # doctest: +SKIP >>> fig, axis = plt.subplots( # doctest: +SKIP ... 1, 1, subplot_kw=dict(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ... ) >>> (ds - ds_bitrounded_along_lon)[v].isel(time=-10).plot( ... ax=axis, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree() ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> add_bitinfo_labels( ... (ds - ds_bitrounded_along_lon)[v].isel(time=0), ... lon_coord_name="xc", ... lat_coord_name="yc", ... x_dim_name="x", ... y_dim_name="y", ... transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), ... ) # doctest: +SKIP """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if lon_coord_name == "guess": lon_coord_name = x_dim_name if lat_coord_name == "guess": lat_coord_name = y_dim_name if label_latitude == "center": label_latitude = da[lat_coord_name].mean() stride = da[x_dim_name].size // len(inflevels) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() for i, inf in enumerate(inflevels): # draw latitude line lons = da.isel({x_dim_name: stride * i})[lon_coord_name] lats = da.isel({x_dim_name: stride * i})[lat_coord_name] lons, lats = xr.broadcast(lons, lats) ax.plot(lons, lats, color="k", linewidth=1, **kwargs) # write inflevel t = ax.text( da.isel( { x_dim_name: int(stride * (i + 0.5)), y_dim_name: da[y_dim_name].size // 2, } )[lon_coord_name].values, label_latitude - label_latitude_offset, str(round(inf * 100, 2)) + "%", horizontalalignment="center", color="k", **kwargs, ) t.set_bbox(dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.9, edgecolor="white")) # write keepbits t_keepbits = ax.text( da.isel( { x_dim_name: int(stride * (i + 0.5)), y_dim_name: da[y_dim_name].size // 2, } )[lon_coord_name].values, label_latitude + label_latitude_offset, f"keepbits = {get_keepbits(info_per_bit, inf)[]}", horizontalalignment="center", color="k", **kwargs, ) t_keepbits.set_bbox(dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.9, edgecolor="white"))
[docs]def plot_bitinformation(bitinfo, cmap="turku"): """Plot bitwise information content as in Klöwer et al. 2021 Figure 2. Klöwer, M., Razinger, M., Dominguez, J. J., Düben, P. D., & Palmer, T. N. (2021). Compressing atmospheric data into its real information content. Nature Computational Science, 1(11), 713–724. doi: 10/gnm4jj Parameters ---------- bitinfo : :py:func:`xarray.Dataset` Containing the bitwise information content for each variable cmap : str or Colormap. Defaults to ``"turku"``. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib figure Example ------- >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("air_temperature") >>> info_per_bit = xb.get_bitinformation(ds, dim="lon") >>> xb.plot_bitinformation(info_per_bit) <Figure size 1200x400 with 3 Axes> """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt assert bitinfo.coords["dim"].shape <= ( 1, ), "Only bitinfo along one dimension is supported at the moment. Please select dimension before plotting." nvars = len(bitinfo) varnames = bitinfo.keys() infbits_dict = get_keepbits(bitinfo, 0.99) infbits100_dict = get_keepbits(bitinfo, 0.999999999) ICnan = np.zeros((nvars, 64)) infbits = np.zeros(nvars) infbits100 = np.zeros(nvars) ICnan[:, :] = np.nan for v, var in enumerate(varnames): ic = bitinfo[var].squeeze(drop=True) ICnan[v, : len(ic)] = ic # infbits are all bits, infbits_dict were mantissa bits infbits[v] = infbits_dict[var] + NMBITS[len(ic)] infbits100[v] = infbits100_dict[var] + NMBITS[len(ic)] ICnan = np.where(ICnan == 0, np.nan, ICnan) ICcsum = np.nancumsum(ICnan, axis=1) infbitsy = np.hstack([0, np.repeat(np.arange(1, nvars), 2), nvars]) infbitsx = np.repeat(infbits, 2) infbitsx100 = np.repeat(infbits100, 2) fig_height = np.max([4, 4 + (nvars - 10) * 0.2]) # auto adjust to nvars fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, fig_height), sharey=True) ax1.invert_yaxis() ax1.set_box_aspect(1 / 32 * nvars) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0.06, 0.18, 0.8, 0.98]) pos = ax1.get_position() cax = fig.add_axes([pos.x0, 0.12, pos.x1 - pos.x0, 0.02]) ax1right = ax1.twinx() ax1right.invert_yaxis() ax1right.set_box_aspect(1 / 32 * nvars) if cmap == "turku": import as cmc cmap = cmc.turku_r pcm = ax1.pcolormesh(ICnan, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap=cmap) cbar = plt.colorbar(pcm, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cbar.set_label("information content [bit]") # 99% of real information enclosed ax1.plot( np.hstack([infbits, infbits[-1]]), np.arange(nvars + 1), "C1", ds="steps-pre", zorder=10, label="99% of\ninformation", ) # grey shading ax1.fill_betweenx( infbitsy, infbitsx, np.ones(len(infbitsx)) * 32, alpha=0.4, color="grey" ) ax1.fill_betweenx( infbitsy, infbitsx100, np.ones(len(infbitsx)) * 32, alpha=0.1, color="c" ) ax1.fill_betweenx( infbitsy, infbitsx100, np.ones(len(infbitsx)) * 32, alpha=0.3, facecolor="none", edgecolor="c", ) # for legend only ax1.fill_betweenx( [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], color="burlywood", label="last 1% of\ninformation", alpha=0.5, ) ax1.fill_betweenx( [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], facecolor="teal", edgecolor="c", label="false information", alpha=0.3, ) ax1.fill_betweenx([-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], color="w", label="unused bits") ax1.axvline(1, color="k", lw=1, zorder=3) ax1.axvline(9, color="k", lw=1, zorder=3) fig.suptitle( "Real bitwise information content", x=0.05, y=0.98, fontweight="bold", horizontalalignment="left", ) ax1.set_xlim(0, 32) ax1.set_ylim(nvars, 0) ax1right.set_ylim(nvars, 0) ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(nvars) + 0.5) ax1right.set_yticks(np.arange(nvars) + 0.5) ax1.set_yticklabels(varnames) ax1right.set_yticklabels([f"{i:4.1f}" for i in ICcsum[:, -1]]) ax1right.set_ylabel("total information per value [bit]") ax1.text( infbits[0] + 0.1, 0.8, f"{int(infbits[0]-9)} mantissa bits", fontsize=8, color="saddlebrown", ) for i in range(1, nvars): ax1.text( infbits[i] + 0.1, (i) + 0.8, f"{int(infbits[i]-9)}", fontsize=8, color="saddlebrown", ) ax1.set_xticks([1, 9]) ax1.set_xticks(np.hstack([np.arange(1, 8), np.arange(9, 32)]), minor=True) ax1.set_xticklabels([]) ax1.text(0, nvars + 1.2, "sign", rotation=90) ax1.text(2, nvars + 1.2, "exponent bits", color="darkslategrey") ax1.text(10, nvars + 1.2, "mantissa bits") for i in range(1, 9): ax1.text( i + 0.5, nvars + 0.5, i, ha="center", fontsize=7, color="darkslategrey" ) for i in range(1, 24): ax1.text(8 + i + 0.5, nvars + 0.5, i, ha="center", fontsize=7) ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.08, 0.5), loc="center left", framealpha=0.6) return fig
[docs]def plot_distribution(ds, nbins=1000, cmap="viridis", offset=0.01, close_zero=1e-2): """Plot statistical distributions of all variables as in Klöwer et al. 2021 Figure SI 1. For large data subsetting, i.e. ds = ds.isel(x=slice(None, None, 100)) is recommended. Klöwer, M., Razinger, M., Dominguez, J. J., Düben, P. D., & Palmer, T. N. (2021). Compressing atmospheric data into its real information content. Nature Computational Science, 1(11), 713–724. doi: 10/gnm4jj Parameters ---------- bitinfo : :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` Raw input values for distributions nbints : int Number of bins for histograms across all variable range. Defaults to ``1000``. cmap : str Which matplotlib colormap to use. Defaults to ``"viridis"``. offset : float Offset on the yaxis between variables 0 lines. Defaults to ``0.01``. close_zero : float Threshold where to stop close to 0, when distributions ranges from negative to positive. Increase this value when seeing an unexpected dip around 0 in the distribution. Defaults to ``0.01``. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib figure Example ------- >>> ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("eraint_uvz") >>> xb.plot_distribution(ds) <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Statistical distributions'}, xlabel='value', ylabel='Probability density'> """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): raise ValueError( f"plot_distribution(ds), requires xr.Dataset, found {type(ds)}" ) varnames = list(ds.data_vars) nvars = len(varnames) ds = ds[varnames].squeeze() gmin, gmax = ds.to_array().min(), ds.to_array().max() f = 2 # factor for bounds if gmin < 0 and gmax > 0: bins_neg = np.geomspace(gmin * f, -close_zero, nbins // 2 + 1, dtype=float) bins_pos = np.geomspace(close_zero, gmax * f, nbins // 2, dtype=float) bins = np.concatenate([bins_neg, bins_pos], axis=-1) else: bins = np.geomspace(gmin / f, gmax * f, nbins + 1, dtype=float) H = np.zeros((nvars, nbins)) for i, v in enumerate(varnames): d = ds[v].data.flatten() d = d[~np.isnan(d)] # drop NaN H[i, :], _ = np.histogram(d, bins=bins, density=True) H[i, :] = H[i, :] / np.sum(H[i, :]) # normalize fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 2 + nvars / 10)) colors =, nvars).colors for i in range(nvars): c = colors[i] plt.plot(bins[:-1], H[i, :] + offset * i, color=c) plt.fill_between( bins[:-1], H[i, :] + offset * i, offset * i, alpha=0.5, color=c ) ax.set_xscale( "symlog" ) # ymax = max(0.05, nvars / 100 + 0.02) # at least 10% y ax.set_ylim([-offset / 2, ymax]) ax.set_xlim([bins[0], bins[-1]]) minyticks = np.arange(0, ymax + 0.01, offset) majyticks = np.arange(0, ymax + 0.01, offset * 5) ax.set_yticks(minyticks, minor=True) ax.set_yticks(majyticks, minor=False) ax.set_yticklabels([str(int(i * 100)) + "%" for i in majyticks]) axright = ax.twinx() axright.set_ylim([-offset / 2, ymax]) axright.set_yticks(minyticks, minor=False) axright.set_yticklabels( varnames + [""] * (len(minyticks) - len(varnames)), minor=False ) ax.set_xlabel("value") ax.set_ylabel("Probability density") ax.set_title("Statistical distributions") return ax